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How to Journal Psychedelic Trips: A Comprehensive Guide 

Journaling is one of the most powerful tools to support your psychedelic experience, offering a profound way to explore and understand the transformative journey. The practice can offer insights into your personal evolution and the impactful changes psychedelics bring to your mindset. Here’s why psychedelic journaling is an invaluable companion on your path to self-awareness:

  • A Mirror to Your Inner World: Journaling during and after your psychedelic experiences serves as a reflective mirror, revealing layers of your psyche and highlighting your journey of growth.
  • Understanding the Transformation: It helps you decode the profound changes occurring within, making sense of the newfound perspectives and emotional shifts.
  • Integrating Insights: Documenting your thoughts and feelings enhances the process of psychedelic integration, enabling you to weave these profound insights into the fabric of your daily life.
  • Journaling is one of the most powerful tools to support your psychedelic experience, offering a profound way to explore and understand the transformative journey. The practice can offer insights into your personal evolution and the impactful changes psychedelics bring to your mindset. Here’s why psychedelic journaling is an invaluable companion on your path to self-awareness:

    • A Mirror to Your Inner World: Journaling during and after your psychedelic experiences serves as a reflective mirror, revealing layers of your psyche and highlighting your journey of growth.
    • Understanding the Transformation: It helps you decode the profound changes occurring within, making sense of the newfound perspectives and emotional shifts.
    • Integrating Insights: Documenting your thoughts and feelings enhances the process of psychedelic integration, enabling you to weave these profound insights into the fabric of your daily life.

    What is a Psychedelic Experience (AKA psychedelic trip)?

    • A Mirror to Your Inner World: Journaling during and after your psychedelic experiences serves as a reflective mirror, revealing layers of your psyche and highlighting your journey of growth.
    • Understanding the Transformation: It helps you decode the profound changes occurring within, making sense of the newfound perspectives and emotional shifts.
    • Integrating Insights: Documenting your thoughts and feelings enhances the process of psychedelic integration, enabling you to weave these profound insights into the fabric of your daily life.
    What is a Psychedelic Trip

    A psychedelic experience, induced by substances like psilocybin mushrooms or LSD, can lead to profound shifts in perception, cognition, and consciousness.. These substances interact with serotonin receptors in the brain, leading to heightened sensory experiences, distorted time perception, and a sense of interconnectedness. 

    Each experience will be different for everyone, and is impacted greatly on your mindset and your environment (also known as set and setting in the psychedelic world). This means your mood and surroundings matter to the experience a lot!

    Hallucinations, intense emotions, and a dissolution of ego boundaries are also commonly reported during these experiences. This journey to the far reaches of your mind is why a psychedelic experience is often referred to as a psychedelic trip.

    How Do You Journal for a Psychedelic Trip?

    Here are our team’s top tips to journal for your psychedelic trip:set intentions, choose the right tools, gather supplies,, break down the barriers, embrace different forms of expression, and embrace mindfulness. 

    1. Setting Intentions: Before your psychedelic journey, define your goals for journaling, whether it’s self-discovery, problem-solving, or artistic expression. Clear intentions provide a guiding framework, shaping the trajectory of your reflective process and anchoring it in purpose.
    2. Choose the Right Tool: Experiment with various journaling formats, such as physical notebooks, digital apps, or mind maps, considering factors like portability and accessibility. Find out which one works best for you. Each tool provides a unique channel for self-expression, enhancing the reflective process.
    3. Gather Supplies: Enhance your creative expression by equipping yourself with essential tools like pens, markers, coloured pencils, and stickers. These supplies amplify the visual aspect and act as conduits for articulating the intricate dimensions of your psychedelic experiences.
    4. Breake Down the Barrier: Make the process easier for yourself by starting with simple prompts to get going, like “What surprised me today?” or “What emotion am I feeling right now?”. Although it takes effort, we can bridge the gap between indescribable experiences and clear written explanations.
    5. Embrace Different Forms of Expression: Explore non-verbal journaling techniques like drawing, collage, and symbolic representation to tap into diverse modes of expression. By choosing these other ways to describe your trip, you can paint a fuller and more complete picture of your experience, going beyond the limits of words.
    6. Mindfulness and Memory: During your journaling, take time to remember all the sensations that came up during your trip: smells, sounds, tastes, and tactile experiences. Recalling these elements of your experience can deepen your connection to the transformative aspects of the trip.

    Could you use support integrating a psychedelic experience? We are honored to hold space for our community to connect and integrate. Check it out here:  Microdosify Spaces Community-led Support Group

    Journaling Techniques During a Psychedelic Trip

    Journaling Techniques During a Psychedelic Trip

    For some, writing in a journal during their trip may feel overwhelming or not possible. Recording yourself during a trip may feel more accessible and it helps you capture and replay cool thoughts and feelings you have later. Videos and audio can make remembering your trip more real and vivid.

    This tool enables individuals to gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and emotions, fostering a more profound integration of the experience into their daily lives.

    Plus, having your trip recorded can help you stay grounded. Listening back later can remind you of what’s real and offer comfort, especially if things get intense.

    What to do With Your Psychedelic Trip journal?

    With your psychedelic journal, you can revisit the depths, connect the dots, and take action. 

    • Revisiting the Depths: Taking the time to revisit your psychedelic journal can be a valuable practice after a trip. Take a look back at your entries later on. You’ll be surprised by the new things you notice and how much clearer your experiences become.
    • Connect the Dots: Connecting the dots will assist you in recognizing themes, patterns, and recurring symbols in their entries, providing valuable insights into your experiences. It further supports the interpretation of personal notes and artwork, fostering a meaningful journey of self-discovery and growth.
    • Take Action: Utilize your psychedelic journal as a catalyst for personal growth by translating the insights gained from your trip into actionable steps. This will help you set goals and make positive daily changes, leading to self-discovery and long-term growth.

    Benefits of Journaling Your Psychedelic Trips

    Benefits of journaling your psychedelic trips include enhanced integration, facilitated self-discovery, emotional release, and catharsis, documentation of insights, communication enhancement, reduced anxiety and fear, and integration with therapeutic processes. 

    • Enhanced Integration: Maintaining a journal allows individuals to effectively process and integrate their psychedelic experiences. By documenting thoughts and emotions, one can revisit and make sense of the trip, aiding in the assimilation of insights gained during the psychedelic state into everyday life.
    • Facilitates Self-Discovery: Psychedelic trips often unveil aspects of the self that may be hidden or overlooked in ordinary consciousness. Journaling provides a space to explore and understand these revelations, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness and aiding in personal growth.
    • Emotional Release and Catharsis: The intense emotional experiences accompanying psychedelic trips may be challenging to express verbally. Journaling serves as a safe outlet for processing and releasing emotions, promoting a sense of catharsis and emotional well-being.
    • Documentation of Insights: Psychedelic experiences frequently lead to profound insights and realizations. Journaling ensures these insights are captured and preserved, allowing individuals to revisit and reflect on the wisdom gained during their journeys.
    • Communication Enhancement: Journaling supports communication skills by translating abstract thoughts and feelings into coherent written language. This skill can extend beyond the journal, aiding individuals in articulating their experiences to therapists, friends, or support networks.
    • Reduced Anxiety and Fear: The act of documenting one’s thoughts during a psychedelic trip can serve as a grounding mechanism, reducing anxiety and fear. It provides a tangible point of focus, enabling individuals to navigate challenging moments with greater ease.
    • Integration with Therapeutic Processes: For those using psychedelics within therapeutic contexts, journaling becomes a valuable tool for both the individual and the therapist. It provides a record of the therapeutic process, aiding in the ongoing integration of insights into the therapeutic journey.

    Our Favorite Resources  Psychedelic Journaling

    Are you ready to journal? Our team compiled their favorite resources to help you get started now.

    The best books on Psychedelic Journaling:

    • “The Trip Journal” by Ronan Levy, Kori, Harrison, and Dr. Andrew Weil – 
    • “The Microdosing Guidebook” by C.J. Spotswood – 
    • “Integration Journals” by Wakeful Travel –

    Our favorite YouTube videos on Psychedelic Journaling include:

    Could you use some extra support? Book a 1:1 coaching call with one of our expert and compassionate Microdosing Coaches to support your practice, set goals, and create a 30-day Microdosing Plan: Personalized 1:1 Support

    Final Thoughts on Navigating Psychedelic Experiences with Journaling

    Psychedelic journaling is a transformative way to capture the incredible, often indescribable, sensations and visions experienced. Recording various aspects of your adventure offers a clearer understanding and deeper reflection post-experience.

    But journaling transcends mere note-taking. It’s a potent method for psychedelic integration, revealing life’s patterns, uncovering your inner workings, and weaving your experiences into a coherent narrative. This practice not only fosters a deeper self-awareness but also carries therapeutic advantages, guiding you toward personal growth and enlightenment.


    • Psychedelic Journey Activities: 10 Ways to Enhance Your Trip. (2023, September 28).
    • Making “bad trips” good: How users of psychedelics narratively transform challenging trips into valuable experience. By (2021, January) Liridona Gashi, Sveinung Sandberg, Willy Pedersen
    • Do Psychedelic Trips Open the Door to Messages from God, Spirits, Transcendent Realities, or the Devil? Links with Attitudes About Psychedelics, Opinions About Legalization, and Interest in Personal Use. By (2022, December) Julie J. Exline, William A. Schutt, Kathleen C. Pait and Joshua A. Wilt
    • Reframing Bummer Trips: Scientific and Cultural Explanations to Adverse Reactions to Psychedelic Drug Use By Erika Dyck and Chris Elcock
    Author Microdosify

    By Rachel Grey

    I’m Rachel Grey, a Ph.D. psychologist specializing in psychedelic therapy with psilocybin and natural plant medicines. I obtained my doctorate from the University of Toronto, where I immersed myself in the study of these transformative therapies. With over 10 years of experience, let’s embark on transformative journeys of healing, growth, and self-discovery as we explore the power of psychedelic therapy together.

    Updated on January 16, 2024
    8 min read

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